User Registration and Authentication Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for user self-registration, authentication, and token refresh in our system. It includes details on how to use the “Accept-Language” header for localized responses and the “X-Device-ID” header for device identification.

Step 1: Initiate Registration

  1. Send a POST request to /v1/users/initiate-registration
  2. Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-API-Key: your_api_key_here
    Accept-Language: en  // Use 'de', 'fr', or 'it' for other supported languages
  3. Request Body:
      "credential_type": "email",
      "credential_value": "",
      "password": "securePassword123!",
      "terms_accepted": true,
      "privacy_policy_accepted": true
  4. Expected Response (200 OK):
      "message": "We've sent a verification code to your email. Please check and enter the code to complete your registration.",
      "user_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"

Step 2: Validate Credential

  1. Send a POST request to /v1/users/verify-registration
  2. Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-API-Key: your_api_key_here
    Accept-Language: en  // Use 'de', 'fr', or 'it' for other supported languages
  3. Request Body:
      "user_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
      "credential_type": "email",
      "otp": "123456"
  4. Expected Response (200 OK):
      "message": "Your account has been successfully verified and activated.",
      "status": "success"

Step 3: Authenticate User

  1. Send a POST request to /v1/authenticate
  2. Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-Device-ID: device_id_here
    Accept-Language: en
  3. Request Body:
      "username": "",
      "password": "securePassword123!"
  4. Expected Response (200 OK):
      "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...",
      "expires_in": 899,
      "user_id": "3020dfc6-a073-4146-a594-3f11c5d6e4bc"

Step 4: Verify 2FA (When Required)

2FA is automatically activated after verifying a second credential:

  1. Add a phone credential:
POST /v1/users/credentials
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer your_access_token_here

  "type": "phone",
  "value": "+41791234567"
  1. Verify the phone credential:
POST /v1/users/verify-credential
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer your_access_token_here

  "user_id": "3020dfc6-a073-4146-a594-3f11c5d6e4bc",
  "credential_type": "phone",
  "otp": "253239"

Once a second credential is verified, 2FA will be automatically activated. For subsequent logins, after password authentication, you’ll need to complete 2FA verification. See Authentication API for details.

Step 5: Refresh Token

  1. Send a POST request to /v1/refresh-token
  2. Headers:
    X-Device-ID: device_id_here
    Accept-Language: en  // Use 'de', 'fr', or 'it' for other supported languages
  3. No request body is needed. The refresh token is automatically included via the HTTP-only cookie set during authentication.
  4. Expected Response (200 OK):
      "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...",
      "expires_in": 899,
      "user_id": "3020dfc6-a073-4146-a594-3f11c5d6e4bc"
    Note: A new refresh token will be set as an HTTP-only cookie in the response.

Step 6: Logout

  1. Send a POST request to /v1/logout
  2. Headers:
    Authorization: Bearer your_access_token_here
    X-Device-ID: device_id_here
    Accept-Language: en  // Use 'de', 'fr', or 'it' for other supported languages
  3. No request body is needed.
  4. Expected Response (200 OK):
      "status": 200,
      "message": "Logged out successfully"
    Note: The refresh token cookie will be cleared during logout.

Important Notes

  1. Language Localization:

    • Use the Accept-Language header to specify your preferred language for response messages.
    • Supported values are en (English), de (German), fr (French), and it (Italian).
    • If not specified, the system will default to English.
  2. Security:

    • Always use HTTPS for all API communications.
    • Store the access token securely on the client-side.
    • The refresh token is automatically managed by the server using HTTP-only cookies.
  3. Device Identification:

    • Use a consistent X-Device-ID for the same device across all requests.
    • This is crucial for security, especially during authentication and token refresh operations.
  4. Token Management:

    • The access token has a shorter lifespan (15 minutes by default) than the refresh token (14 days by default).
    • Implement logic to handle token expiration and refresh scenarios in your application.
    • If authentication fails (401 Unauthorized), attempt to refresh the token. If that fails, prompt the user to re-enter their credentials.
  5. Error Handling:

    • Implement proper error handling for various HTTP status codes.
    • Pay attention to rate limiting and temporary lock-out scenarios, especially during authentication.
  6. Compliance:

    • Ensure users accept the terms and conditions and privacy policy during registration.
    • Handle user data in compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
  7. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing):

    • The API supports CORS for web applications.
    • Allowed headers include: Content-Type, Authorization, X-API-Key, X-Device-ID, Accept-Language.
    • Specific origins may be restricted based on server configuration.

By following these steps and best practices, you can implement a secure and localized user registration and authentication process in your application.